Policies and Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines Submitted manuscripts to the International Journal of Health Sciences and Engineering (IJHSE) should adhere to the fundamental standards for clarity and readability to ensure proper interpretation by the editorial team. Manuscripts that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors for revision. Article Types & Format The journal publishes a variety of article types across multidisciplinary fields, including health sciences, engineering, technology, and policy studies. The following are the primary article types and their format requirements: Original/Research Articles These articles present unpublished data and provide in-depth details of methods, methodologies, and investigation results. Evidence should be provided to support the findings. Sections typically include: Introduction: Identifies the research aim and objectives. Methods: Describes applied methods, study design, data collection methods, and participant selection. Results: Presents findings clearly and with supporting evidence. Conclusions: Discusses the implications for various fields, such as healthcare, technology, or engineering applications Review Articles Comprehensive literature reviews that evaluate significant research topics in one or more fields, examining trends and progress in the respective disciplines over time.