Publication Policy

The publication policy of International Journal of Integrative Dental and Medical Sciences (IJIDMS) embodies a commitment to the widespread dissemination and circulation of the content it features. Upholding the principles of Creative Commons licensing, International Journal of Integrative Dental and Medical Sciences (IJIDMS) ensures that the usage, publication, and distribution of content are governed by an ethos of openness and accessibility, benefiting authors, publishers, and the broader public alike.

As an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, International Journal of Integrative Dental and Medical Sciences (IJIDMS) maintains a monthly publication schedule, with a core mission of nurturing research scholarship and fostering originality, critical thinking, and creativity through scholarly contributions. Our goal is to release one issue per month, facilitating the timely dissemination of cutting-edge research to the academic community and beyond.

Authors are kindly urged to adhere to the outlined processing timeline, which encompasses submission, acceptance, peer review, revision, resubmission, and final publication stages. Throughout this journey, the editorial board exercises its authority in making informed decisions regarding the acceptance, revision, and publication of submitted manuscripts, ensuring the integrity and quality of the journal's content.